Freitag, 4. Mai 2007
Cha Cha

dann "search with guide"!
jetzt gibt es doch tatsächlich ne suchmaschine, die für einen arbeitet.
die guides sind keine bots, sondern menschlich und kriegen 5-10 dollar pro stunde.


Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: BarbaraB
BarbaraB: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: hello
BarbaraB: What can I help you with today?
You: im looking for drugs where can i find them?
BarbaraB: What exactly do you mean?
BarbaraB: Prescription drug?
You: I mean Morphin
You: yes
BarbaraB: to buy on line?
You: but i dont have a prescription
You: yes buy online
BarbaraB: One moment while I search for that information..
You: ok thank you
BarbaraB: Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?
You: yes im searching for great sex too
BarbaraB: Hmmm
BarbaraB: that would be another search, another topic
BarbaraB: OK?
You: ok
You: np
BarbaraB: bye, bye
You: have a nice day
BarbaraB: you too!!
BarbaraB: ~~Thank you for using ChaCha !!
BarbaraB: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.

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